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Nothing But the Truth

This is a clear, simple and beautiful testimony of one of God's children that is readable, helpful, and valuable. He set forth the simple truths of Christianity in a brief, orderly, and appealing way. All who read it will profit from it. Dr. Norman Geisler Professor of Apologetics This book will be a valuable asset to Christians and Muslims alike. It clearly communicates beliefs that Christians hold dear and that are often misunderstood by others. Dr. Ryan Snuffer Author, Minister Nothing but the Truth records the faith and reflections of a man who was born in Palestine, committed his life to Christ as a teenager, and narrowly escaped to Egypt when his homeland was at war. This book clarifies some of the misunderstandings that Muslims have about the Christian faith regarding several points of theology such as the trinity, salvation, and end times. Its voice is compassionate. Its style is straightforward. Its message is of eternal value. Rev. Adeeb M. Khalil is an ordained minister of the Episcopal faith. He was born in Palestine, narrowly escaped to Egypt during a time of war, and converted to Christianity in the late 1950's. He has ministered in the United States since 1974. He is well known in his community as a kind, compassionate man with a sincere faith and bold testimony. He currently resides in Beckley, West Virginia with his wife Marcia Khalil.
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